Arrow Grey bay - working class - Exc.1, CAC
Sweet Dreams Sorcha Legend’s Safir - working class - Exc.1, CAC
1st place, 1st prize, 352 pt.
13.-14.7.2024 KCHVO President Cup, Clubs forest test and blood track
Arrow worked well and got full score of points in both cathegories.
Forest tests: full score of points (240), 1st prize, 1st place
Blood track: full score of points (112), 1st prize, 2nd place due to age
Sorcha (Sweet Dreams Sorcha Legend’s Safir)
Winner of the exams – 1st merit, full points (228pt.), CACT
9 lovely babies were born in kennel Stella Lilium sired by Arrow
Grey Bay, dam: Mína Šedý lovec. There are 6 boys and 3 girls.
We wish them strong health and great homes!
Sorcha (Sweet dreams Sorcha Legens’s Safir) successfully passed forest hunting tests for pointing dogs in Karlovy Vary
1st rpize, 228 pt., 2nd place
Sorcha (Sweet Dreams Sorcha Legend’s Safir) passed autumn hunting test with 1st prize on 20th May 2023 in Nymburk.
She she got a working certificate and also fulfilled all conditions for getting her a brood bitch registration.
We enjoyed the season fully. In September we were hunting ducks, since October pheasants on Konopiště, Ploužnice and also hairs in Morava.
Our dogs also worked in our local hunting area.
Sweet Dreams Sorcha Legend’s Safir - Intermediate class - Excellent 3
Sorcha also successfully passed breeding selection.
Arrow Grey Bay - open class: Exc.2, res. CAC
Asher Grey Bay - working class: Exc.2, res. CAC
6 puppies sired by our Asher were born in kennel Ze Sedelských luhů.
Dam of the litter is Denny z Dudovských hájů.
We wish them good health and happy life!
Arrow Grey Bay open cl. - Exc.1, CAC, res. CACIB
Asher Grey Bay working cl. - Exc.1, CAC
Sorcha Legend´s Safir junior cl. - Exc.2
Sorcha Legend´s Safir - 1st merit, 217 pt., 3rd place
Our Grey Bay team has a new member - lovely french girl Sweet dreams Sorcha Legend´s Safir.
April Grey Bay - 1st prize, 86 points, 2nd place
Our pups from the litter "A" celebrated their 4th birthday and owner of their dad created these lovely portraits for them.
After a very long unplanned break we were again at club show and our dogs did not leave unnoticed:
April Grey Bay in working class - Exc.2/ 21 res. CAC
Arrow Grey Bay in open class - Exc.2/ 18 res. CAC
Asher Grey Bay in working class - Exc.
All of them also passed a breeding check:
Boys grew up into handsome males (69 cm) with excellent character.
April is a feminine lady with height of 61 cm, a beast in a forest and darling at home.
All of them met all requirements for breeding - show results and hunting tests.
We spent the last year working with our dogs very much. All our dogs are usable for hunting and so we use them for what they were made for - for hunting of pheasant and hares. They also helped a lot in our area to track wild boars and deers.
We are very satisfied with their work and we all enjoyd the season very much.
Asher Grey Bay and his owner Míla won the Frantisek Krejci Cup 2018 - a trophy for the best dog and handler.
Asher Grey Bay was the youngest participant at the age of 16 months and passed with 446 pts. and 2nd merit-
Arrow Grey Bay - 1st merit, 288 pt., 3rd place
April Grey Bay - 1st merit, 277 pt.
Asher Grey Bay - 1st merit, 268 pt.
Asher Grey Bay 1st merit, 290 pt., res. CACT, 2nd place at the age of 16 months!
April Grey Bay 289 pts., 1st merit - winner
Asher Grrey Bay 282 pts., 2nd place
Arrow Grey Bay 282 pts., 4th place
Intermediate cl., judge: MVDr. Petr Dvořák
Asher Grey Bay - Exc.1, CAC - now fully qualified for Junior champion CZ
Arrow Grey Bay - Exc.2
April Grey Bay - Exc.2, res. CAC
April Grey Bay - Excellent in intermediate class
Arrow GB - VG4 in intermediate class
April Grey Bay
Hunting tests (forest exams) 14.7.2018, OMS Tábor
Arrow Gry Bay - 1st place, 1st merit, full points score
Asher Grey Bay - 6th place, 3rd merit
April, Arrow, Arwe
Asher, Axell a Ayrton
April Grey Bay - handler Markéta Nováková - 1st merit, 221 pt., 3rd place!
Asher Grey Bay - handler Míla Novák - 1st merit, 218 pt., 6th place
Arrow Grey Bay - handler Eva Nováková - 1st merit, 213 pt., 8th place
junior class, judhe Hana Kunfalvi
April Grey Bay - Exc.1, CAJC, BOJ, BOB
Asher Grey Bay - Exc.1, CAJC
Arrow Grey Bay - Exc.3
Judge: Luděk Müller
Junior class:
Asher Grey Bay Exc.2/6 and beautiful critique
Arrow Grey Bay Exc.4/6
April Grey Bay scored and got Exc.1, CAJC, BOJ (The Best Junior in breed)
We were so happy for our children!
Our four kids went for spring check of hunting dogs organised by OMS Praha 9 8th April 2018.
All of them passed - complete dentition, correct bite and coat. Boys (Asher, Arrow a Ayrton) have strong bone and height of 67 cm, April 61 cm.
Our puppies have grown up and they are beautiful young dogs, who complete our pack, so we are four now...
Their has training begun, all of them are pointing and retrieveing already. They enjoy to work very much and we can see they took the talent after their mother..
This year we intent to enter some hunting tests. We already took a part at a few shows in baby class and we will follow in junior classes in this season.
In the morning 9th May 2017 four boys and two girls were born!
Cherry is wonderful mother and she is taking a good care.
All are healthy and beautiful.
We hope in ballanced character and beautiful extrior after their mum and anish daddy.
Last week we went with Cherry for mating to Denmark.
4.2. 2017, working class: Exc.2, res.CAC
5.2. 2017, working class: Exc.1, CAC
Qualified for Czech Champion!
More info in PUPPIES.
Cherry - 1st merit, 483 points, nose 4, The best work in field, 2nd place
On this site you will find what's new in our kennel and also info about our planned litter.